The internet was not always this graphically focused, usability minded beast, and instead it was just a means of finding web pages with text or chat rooms with others through AOL. Flash was a total game changer when suddenly the web became more interactive, thanks to Adobe's newarticle going over the history, importance, presumed death, and reasons why flash is important.
pluggin and tool. Why has it, then, has it been branded as nearly dead by so many developers and users alike? Keith Collins recently published an
pluggin and tool. Why has it, then, has it been branded as nearly dead by so many developers and users alike? Keith Collins recently published an
The internet is like a hyper evolving that constantly changes, and Flash was a major reason for this change. Two major changes came up other than just usability on the web: new media. Webtoons and games became a part of the internet quickly, and no other media can possibly replicate that. Due to it being a plugin, it made it so everything looked the same no matter who was looking at it. That issue is something that with HTML 5 is still trying to be worked out today. All of this made Flash a part of the internet, no questions asked. However, things quickly took a turn.
The Downfall?
Steve Jobs. He has changed the face of technology, by both create, and starting a downfall for a program. The iPhone was created in 2007, and people soon realized: it didn't have flash. Because of this, people had to start making for HTML 5, and Flash soon fell to the wayside. Over time, even big companies have moved away from Flash and are now almost always using HTML 5. Google itself announced in 2015 that YouTube will now exclusively use HTML 5 for their videos. In 2011, Adobe even created Edge Animate, which allowed for HTML 5 content to be made, which further hurt Flashes usability. Google just last year announced that Flash is automatically disabled on Chrome (the world's largest web browser), and though it can be turned on, it really hurts that one has to allow their web browser to use the once powerful plugin. Adobe decided to totally rebrand Flash itself as Animate CC.
Facebook is a really, really big site, and a lot of people play the games on it, and it just so happens that it uses Flash... mostly. Facebook recently released a new set of games using HTML 5, but many games still use Flash on the website itself.
The Future?
Flash won't be gone anytime soon. It still has time left. However, its time is very limited. HTML 5 is taking over, the security risks which have been brought up show dangerousness with the plugin, but that doesn't mean that Flash is quite dead. People still use and enjoy it, but developers need to also move towards the future in order to stay relavent. Flash, you had a good run, and it isn't over yet, but your days are numbered.
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